9-11 Memorial Coins

"Never Forget"

Phone: 1.866.286.1312

Local San Diego #: 619.944.7011

E-Mail: coins@publicsafety.net


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The COINS are made of high quality metals with a SOLID Brass core and plated with a Silver Alloy metal.
The coins are DIE STRUCK not die cast and minted with HAND tooled DIES.

They are then hand painted with a BAKED on Enamel and coated with a CLEAR Epoxy coat to preserve the coins forever against the elements as well as human skin oils.
They are shipped in a BLUE Velvet box for not only safety but for display.


Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.
They made the Supreme Sacrifice,
some in the Line Of Duty, others innocently!

911 Memorial Coin Combating Terrorism Coin

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Combating Terrorism 19.99

Reverse of a Coin flown on an F-15E Strike Eagle in Afganistan
Shipped with a CERTIFICATE: Less than 100 left: $100.00
Flown on bombing missions over Afghanistan! Includes Certificate of Authenticity signed by Squadron Commander

Charitable Foundation

Special Operations Warrior Foundtaion

Flown on bombing missions over Afghanistan!

Let it be known that Combating Terrorism Coins were flown in an F-15E Strike Eagle over Afghanistan skies during a combat mission in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM by 391 Fighter Squadron "Bold Tigers" flown by pilot: Pete and WSO: Trog on December 4th. 2001.

This limited minted was coin originally commissioned for the Combating Terrorism Depute of the Department of Defense "BEFORE" the terrorism attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The "first strike" SAMPLE Coin not yet minted was lost in the attack as the office of the commander was destroyed. It was later found in the rubble during the overhaul and investigation phase of attack. It was then minted for distribution. Like the "Phoenix Rising From The Ashes," this coin stands as a symbol of America's fight against Terrorism.

Dubbed "The PAYBACK Coin" you can be a part of the "Payback" by owning one of these coins that symbolically "Rose from the Ashes of the Pentagon then actually flew on bombing missions on Taliban and Al Qaeda Forces."

The original coin featured the Seal of the Dept. of Defense on the reverse side. These coins are available as well as those featuring all 5 branches of the armed services and some other governmental agencies such as the State Dept. and the Dept. of Justice.

The new Combating Terrorism coin created by the Defense Department's Special Operations-Combating Terrorism office features an American eagle, with talons outstretched, swooping down on the word "Terrorism." The DoD seal is struck on the reverse side.

Commanders use specially minted military coins to improve morale, foster unit spirit and honor service members for their hard work. The new Combating Terrorism coin does all this and raises funds for the children of special operations warriors who are killed in the line of duty. The coin project came out of the office in the Pentagon in the fall of 1999, well before Sept. 11, 2001. It was their way of spotlighting the Defense Department's role in the war on terror. At that time, all portions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations / Low-Intensity Conflict concerned with combating terrorism were in one office. The chief wanted a coin that epitomized the office's mission.

Ed Rowe, Paul Will and Jamie Bowling got the call. Design ideas percolated through the group. "We decided to go with simplistic elegance," said Rowe, assistant for policy coordination in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism. They decided on an American eagle, with talons outstretched, swooping down on the word "Terrorism." In the background is the American flag. The obverse side of the coin is the Department of Defense seal. "Simplistic elegance isn't an easy thing to achieve," said graphic designer, Bowling. "We spent a lot of time getting the eagle and flag just right." The group finally approved a design and sent it off for a proof strike.

Made of lead by a company in the United States, the proof coin was shipped to the Pentagon on Sept. 7, 2001. Rowe and company admired the coin and he put it on his desk before going to a few meetings and then on leave. He did not get a chance to show it to the chief and also forgot to bring it home show his wife. On Sept. 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 hit near Rowe's office. Ceiling tiles came down, electrical lines arced, and furniture was thrown around. Smoke damage occurred and water used to douse fires that further damaged the offices. The coin fell off Rowe's desk and was buried under debris in the office. After the overhaul and investigation, workers were allowed back in. They found the lead coin covered with grit and dirt and particles, but still looking good. With some "SPIT SHINE & POLISH" the coin was presented to the chief. Rowe said, "We thought… now we really have a good time to release this coin."

The coins are shipped with "MANDATORY INSURANCE" at these rates: Shipping info
Secure transaction via Pay Pal. Use the "shopping cart" buttons to place your order.
Please allow up tp 4-6 weeks for delivery. However, most shipment can be sent within 24 - 48 hours & shipped via U.S.P.S. PRIORITY MAIL shipping for Domestic U.S.A. See the CHART below.
Or: Send THIS Order FORM mailed to us with a check or $.$$ Order.

These coins and images are copyrighted © 2002 2003 PublicSafetyNet / CyberSoft / American Patriot Coins / Mitch Mendler and registered with the Library of Congress of The United States of America Copyright Office.

Copyright Laws apply.



Absolutely no permission is given under any circumstances to use these images or the likeness of the images in a digital, electronic, printed or any other format for any reason especially in a Coin or a Pin. All artwork used was provided with permission from the sorce (photoraphs or graphic images). Some of the art work was completed with "clipart" and "royalty free" images. The DIES created and some of the drafts and image scanning were created under "contract for hire" with the primary images, and or ideas being the sole creation of Mitch Mendler, sole owner and proprieter of the finale art work.

American Patriot Coins and PublicSafetyNet are businesses owned and operated by CyberSoft. All three companies are licensed in San Deigo County, California.

| Copyright © [2003]  [CyberSoft/PublicSafetyNet]