Representing both City and County Paramedics

Choking cat calls 911 for help!

Tampa, Fla. (AP) Tipper's got just eight lives left.

The grey and white tabby made a lucky 911 call Wednesday while chokeing on his flea collar: The cat knocked the telephone off the hook while struggling and somehow hit the No. 1 on th key pad, which automatically dialed 911.

In the other end, Hilsborough Sheriff's dispatcher Elena Arroyo heard strange sounds that seemed like howling. She kept the line open and sentt Deputy Joe Banforth to check it out.

Banforth arrived at the mobile home of Gail Curtis, who was out. Hearing the cat inside, the deputy got the key from the park manager. Tipper was in a corner, the flea collar rolled up in his mouth. The deputy and a maintenance worker quieted the cat and removed the collar.

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